Wallace Stegner House, Eastend, Saskatchewan
Wallace Stegner House
This is the house that Wallace Stegner lived in from age 7 to 12. The community and geography made an indelible impression upon him and was the inspiration for much of his writing. The one and half storey house was built on this site in 1917 by Wallace Stegner's father and the family lived here until 1921 when they moved to Montana.
In 1990, the house was restored by the Eastend Arts Council and established as a Residence for Artists.
In 1990, the house was restored by the Eastend Arts Council and established as a Residence for Artists.
I have several reasons for coming here. 1st is that I feel, as a man and as an artist, exploring my family history is a contributing and helpful factor in a process that Carl Jung referred to as individuation. for more on this: http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/individuationprocess.htm
The blood lines on my mother's side of the family are from the mid-west of Canada. When I was young my
Mom would tell stories of growing up on a farm during the depression. She would use words like "butter-
churner" and "rations" and "one-room school house". I had the impression that everyone worked so hard just to survive.
These qualities shaped my mother to be a very grounded and strong woman which, in turn, has shaped me into the spaced-out
and unpractical person I've become today.