ear to eye
ear read eye's last letter and immediately felt that old feeling, misunderstood, not heard, invisible.
in days gone by ear would have been unaware of those feelings, how they shrouded him from the world. not any more. following is an excerpt of ear's email to eye:
...just because you have had such a great relationship with nose does not mean that he is such a wonderful person. granted, he is outspoken, the centre of attention, full of animal magnetism but he can also be a mean-spirited napoleon, always having to get his way. he controls you. i mean, you couldn't even answer the question i posed: do you really believe his description of the bird landing on his head and hearing that cryptic poem? how come you didn't respond?, it's a simple, direct question. it's as though nose still holds you in his grip even after all these years, even from the other side of the world. think about it. then give me your thoughts. but i don't want to read anything hostile, defensive, reactionary. be reflective, give it a week, then forward me your impression.
thank you
ps. what's that new-age crap that voice is going on about? reciting a lullaby by shakespeare? hidden structure that induces a state of calm? you guys have been reading too much peedak hopchra. stop looking outside of yourself for the insights that must, ultimately come from you, from inside you. stop creating idols of worship. the only thing you really need to do is be still...try it, see how far you get.